A very special thank you for everyone who participated or donated to our charitable event "Raven Fest 2025. Special recognition to the following businesses for their contributions: Made by Ruth, Mom Lisa's Gourmet Cookies, Craft 3D Printing & Designs Services, Amanda Case Art and Homespun Honey NC .
We had an awesome time. Food was great.

Current Needs List
Paper Towels
Toilet Tissue.
Laundry Detergent
Household Cleaning Products
Bar Soap
Body Wash
Baby Wipes
Diaper Rash cream
Diapers (size 4&6)
Lotion (scented & unscented
Trash Bags
Paper Products (plates, bowls, cups, culetry),
Feminine Products

We would like to thank Habitat for Humanity In-Store & company for remodeling the ramp for Family Promise.

We would like to thank the Girl Scout Troop #2948, and their moms, leaders and others who participated in planting flowers at the Day Center. They planted a variety of flowers. They all had a great time . The girls did this as part of their Bronze Award project. A special thanks to JC's Landscaping for donating the pine straw.

Special Thanks to the Following Organizations for their Monetary Contributions:
St. Luke UMC- $3,000.00
St. Luke Foundation-$750.00
Duke Energy-$2,500.00
Women's Club of Sanford- $500.00
Raven Forge Games-$5,000.00
We would like to thank the Members of Central Electric Membership Corp. for the donation of $3,000.00. These funds will help purchase items needed for the families at the Day Center.

We would like to thank Raven Forge Games and all the participants in Blood Bowl, Dungeon & Dragons, and Magic the Gathering at the Raven Fest held in January. We raised $5,000.00 . Thank you for all your contributions.